National Advisory Group Scotland members

The following people sit on the DRILL National Advisory Group (NAG) in Scotland:

Tressa Burke (Chair)

Chief Executive, Glasgow Disability Alliance and has steered  the direction  of GDA  to build a multi award winning community of 3500+ disabled members.

Etienne d’Aboville

Chief Executive, Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living (GCIL) A Disabled People’s Organisation that has been providing a range of support, training, housing and employment services since 1996.

Maureen Martin

Chief Executive, Edinburgh Development Group and has worked along side disabled people and their families for the past 40 years via project management, start ups, people and finance.

Sandra Wilson

Chair, RNIB Scotland Branch, director of Citizens Advice & Rights Fife, a director of LEAD Scotland and a member of the Scottish Enterprise Equal Opportunities External Advisory Group.

Dr Oliver Escobar

Lecturer in Public Policy, School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh, Co-Director, What Works Scotland, Public Engagement Fellow at the Beltane Network, co-founder and Honary Researcher at QMU.

Alison Stout

Principal Social Researcher in the Scottish Government  and Head of the Equality and Tackling Poverty Research Team focusing on commissioning research and analysis to inform the work of the Scottish Government’s Equality Unit.

Prof Kirstein Rummery

Professor of Social Policy, University of Stirling and Co-Director, Centre for Gender and Feminist Studies, is an active member of the Social Policy Association and serves on the Executive Committee and sits on the editorial boards of the Journals and is outgoing editor of Social Policy Review.

New Members 2018

Catriona Kirkpatrick

Development Manager at Engender, Scotland’s Feminist organisation working on women’s social, economic and political equality in Scotland.

Laura (Mole) Chapman

A highly skilled researcher, author and programme facilitator and has many years of experience in the equality fields of human rights, housing, social justice, education and learning and development.

Dr Fiona Kumari Campbell

A tenured Academic in the School of Education and Social Work at University of Dundee. Currently undertaking research in ableism, social care, disability studies and South Asian approaches to disability.

Sarah Munro

A researcher/ analyst within the public sector for the last 20 years in a number of various roles, Human Rights Commission, the Public Sector Equality Duty, Scottish Government in the Labour Market and Skills Analytical Unit and the Wood Commission focusing on equality issues.

Lynne Tammi

National Coordinator of Article 12 in Scotland, promoting young people’s human rights. Qualifiest in Community Learning and Development, Social Services Management and Mediation (conflict resolution). An active campaigner of Gypsy/ Traveller rights on  both a professional and personal level.

Jo Ozga

Policy Worker with Scottish Women’s Aid, working to improve housing providers’ response to domestic abuse and the prevention of women and children’s homelessness.

Zara Todd

Engagement Manager at Project Scotland, Co-Director of Sisters of Frida (a disabled women’s organisation) and sits on the European Disability Forums Women’s Committee. An active disability rights advocate for over 20 years. Has advised on disability at local, national and international levels including the UK Government, the British Council and Council of Europe.

