Toolkit Launch: All Wales People First

The new tool kit has been designed to help people with learning disabilities track self-advocacy projects.

It provides guidelines on how to set up projects in ways that make it easy to monitor project successes.
The tool kit, which has been developed by people with learning disabilities, also has a set of prompting cards to help people develop ideas for projects around key issues such as self advocacy, hate crime and better health services.

Joe Powell, All Wales People First, said:
“We wanted to make it easier for people with learning disabilities to set up, run and monitor projects on issues that directly affect them. The tool kit will help make that happen. It can be also be used by funders to check that the projects are providing value for money.”

For further information on the project please click on the link developing-toolkit-self-advocates-can-use-check-projects-deliver-promise/

Drill Toolkit Launch